
Saturday, 25 April 2015


It is another mile stone for Fiji Education being represented at the Global OER Consortium Conference, Banff, Canada. Congratulation to Mr Abel Caine for another Global Award. Our very own Director for Higher Education, Mrs Salote was at the meeting, mingling with the great minds and sharing the developments in Fiji about O.E.R.

Mrs Salote Rabuka with Mr Abel Caine after recieving his award.

Mrs Rabuka also had the opportunity to shake hands and discuss with Mark Surnam, the Mozilla Man. What a journey.

It is exciting to think of the opportunities that will arise from this meet, Fiji represent and recognition of being a part of this important Global Meeting.

Thursday, 23 April 2015


We are all witnesses, and continue to be so, to experience changes in educational approach that I.C.T. learning introduces. The many different platforms of Learning Management System such as MOODLE and Micro or Macro Open online Courses. With these pedagogical approaches, such as the flipped classroom model, comes the new and more personal technology that facilitates learning. Personal computers are becoming more personal with lap tops, tablets and mobile phones. Accessibility to education and educational materials has become more more Open. If we had a slow motion button, it would definitely seem that we live in a bee hive of information. We are so overwhelmed with information and pressure to change and move with the times, considering most of all to not allow Fiji to be left behind during this global education revolution.

There is a danger at play if we rush into accepting and trying to adapt too quickly. Overlooking the basic structure for any educational framework, the curriculum.

Please Visit this Site :

As Education leaders in Fiji, we have a responsible to make informed decision about the future we plan to leave Fiji with. LETS TALK ABOUT IT.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The National OER Consultation has set the Platform. This is a totally new threshold, which adds to the excitement of the surprises, challenges and development all Fijians have to gain from here and onwards. As leaders today, how do you feel of these dyinamics?

31.03.2015 - UNESCO Office in Apia

UNESCO supports the national consultation on O.E.Rs (Open Educational Resources) in Fiji

Group Photo (c) Holiday Inn, Suva

The Fiji National Stakeholder’s Consultation on the use of Open Education Resources (OER) brought together Fiji Government stakeholders for a one day meeting, Wednesday, 25th March 2015 at Holiday Inn, Suva, to endorse in principle the draft national policy on the use of OER.

Open Educational Resources are learning tools that reside in the public domain or that have been released with intellectual property licenses allowing their free use, continuous improvement, and modification by others.
Open Educational Resources can deliver two great benefits for students:

  1. lower cost in obtaining the educational resources needed to succeed in school, so that students and schools can redirect funds for other instructional needs; and
  2. access to a universe of high-quality, updated content that can be tailored minute-by-minute by educators to reflect new developments and current events.
Open Educational Resources provide a broad range of opportunities for ensuring more equitable access to high quality education leading to the empowerment of disadvantaged groups, as well as new ways for disseminating ideas, facilitating intercultural exchange and dialogue and for achieving sustainable development.
The consultation in Suva was organized by the Fiji Higher Education Commission and opened by Hon Dr. Mahendra Reddy, Minister for Education, National heritage, Culture and Arts.
With the support of the Hewlett Foundation (USA), Mr Etienne Clément, Director of UNESCO Office for the Pacific States in Apia delivered a keynote speech reaffirming UNESCO’s full support to the Government of Fiji and all its stakeholders for this initiative.

“Open Educational Resources provide a broad range of opportunities for ensuring more equitable access to high quality education leading to the empowerment of disadvantaged groups, as well as new ways for disseminating ideas, facilitating intercultural exchange and dialogue and for achieving sustainable development.”
In the communiqué issued by the Fiji Higher Education Commission at the end of the consultation, the participants reaffirmed the increasing importance of OERs in Fijian society and observed the progress on OERs taking place locally and in the region. They endorsed the draft policy while noting a few concerns that will be communicated by the Higher Education Commission to the Minister of Education.
In 2012, UNESCO and the Commonwealth of Learning organized the World Congress on Open Educational Resources.
Over 700 delegates including Governments, academia, civil society, researchers, teachers and experts unanimously agreed to the 10-point Paris Declaration on Open Educational Resources which makes a special call to Governments encouraging the open licensing of educational materials produced with public funds.
The Declaration and the distinct logo created for the Congress has become a global standard for all OER Projects worldwide including references by U.S. President Obama during the 2015 Open Education Week. Fiji played a lead role in the Congress and Declaration through Mr Abel Caine who led the UNESCO Team.

Ref: -

UNESCO Office in Apia

MOE Pushing the Boundaries of Quality Education in Fiji. We are still challenged with technical support that must provide the platform for growth.

The NATIONAL OER POLICY CONSULTATION is witness to the ever evolving dynamics in Global Education. As the saying goes, " A SINGLE TIDE RAISES ALL .....", it is a indeed a proud moment for Fiji. The National Consultation on OER Education is the Initial Step for Fiji in Aligning Fiji Quality Education with global standards in this inevitable Shift in Paradigm. 

To read more from UNESCO click HERE.

"Speaking at the opening, Mr Reddy said OER could be an asset in improving the quality and effectiveness of the local education context in the form of increasing access to and availability of high quality, relevant learning materials which could contribute to more productive students and educators. "Beyond these obvious users, we have policy makers and community leaders — they need to adopt a culture of reading beyond what is supplied to them by the stakeholder," Mr Reddy said."
"The Government is also committed towards ensuring that public investments in all sectors of education contribute to socio-economic development in a useful and cost effective way and play an important role in setting policies to provide direction in the use of OER."

Speaking to members of the Fiji High Education Commission and stakeholders Mr Reddy said OER could be an asset in improving the quality and effectiveness of the local education context.
“In the form of increasing access to and availability of high quality, relevant learning materials which can contribute to more productive students and educators,” Mr Reddy said.

“OER describe any educational resources including curriculum maps, course materials, textbooks, streaming videos, multimedia applications, podcasts and any other materials that have been designed for us in teaching and learning that are opening available for use by educators and students without an accompanying need to pay royalties or license fees. “ Education Minister Dr Mahendra Reddy at the consultation today
Taken from/By: FBC News
Report by: Ritika Pratap
17:03 Wed Mar 25, 2015

"While addressing the members of the Fiji High Education Commission, Dr Reddy said that this is a major leap for Fiji as it is also the leader among other countries in the region.
Reddy said that this will help the overall government’s vision of building a smarter Fiji as it will allow people to access information that they cannot afford to access." Story by Rusiate BaleilevukaWednesday, 25/03/2015

Monday, 30 March 2015

Greetings fellow Principals and friends of Education in Fiji. The Association once again welcomes you to another exciting year of education in 2015, especially with a whole new package of teaching and learning approach that has been organized by the MOE. The shift from an Objective approach Curriculum to an Outcome Approach and the re introduction of the National Assessment Platforms, but this time without the National Scaling system for standardization. The re calibration of the education system offers a challenging frontier.

The Open Educational Resources National Stakeholders Consultation held in March, is a reference to the changes that is fast approaching the Education Sector in Fiji. This reflects Fiji's dedication to achieve the M.D.G. and usher Fiji into the 21st century teaching and learning methods, and the expansion of classrooms beyond the four walls with the use of I.T.C. We hope that there will be a lot of issues will be addressed during this years first Principals conference because of the changes met.

It was indeed a great privilege to have worked with Fiji's Educators who have shaped Students in the past and continue to contribute to Fiji's future.

This forum looks forward to interacting with you and working collaboratively with you online.